The Emperor’s new clothes?

We get many queries about miscellaneous ideas that people have found on the Internet or from popular movements ‘recommending’ certain methods. We would ask you to understand that it takes much time and work firstly to investigate other methods but secondly considerable much-needed resources to produce authoritative documents explaining exactly the science that compels us to say when we do not recommend them. A glance through any toxicological manual (e.g. Wexler’s four-volume Encyclopedia of Toxicology) quickly demonstratres many ways to die – though not all of them reliable or peaceful.

In cases where a genuine and necessary variation or idea arises, we usually have been the first to publish an analysis, even if such methods are only suited to some people and not others. Such cases have included compression, the use of nitrogen, and certain pharmaceutical combinations all of which can be obtained legally and effectively provided the proper precautions are taken.

There are best-selling books claiming to explain things quickly – and simply and sometimes they do – sometimes they contain inaccuracies or even contradict each other. We started publishing when we saw that only material that was at that time available in print was based almost entirely on anecdotal evidence. Therefore, we examine things in-depth, and provide analysis and supporting data drawing on peer-reviewed papers in the medical press and the other professions. If there is a serious scientific challenge, we respond in print, point by point. Our books appeal to serious researchers, and often people who have already consumed the popular ‘manuals’ but still have questions. Such questions cannot be answered in a single line or paragraph. We stand by our work and keep abreast of developments but the short answer is that not an awful lot has changed in the years since we released Five Last Acts II. The general public get excited about “new methods”: but often such things turn out to be the Emperor’s New Clothes.

Ed.: please note that the old website at although containing much information for students, is predominantly a historical resource. It will shortly be retired. New enquiries are directed to the WordPress blog. 

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